Monday 2 May 2016

Mandala crocheting

whilst waiting for the rain to stop this afternoon I thought I would try this Mandala pattern from the blog 'Attic 24' .....using some cotton I had over from the flower bunting. I'm quite addicted to making these and have added them to my list of projects.

I must get back to the gardening! 

Thursday 17 April 2014

Digital Art

Digital Art

I have hesitated in using digital software to create I love getting messy with real materials, such as paint and like the unpredictability of watercolours in particular. However after trying several apps for my iPad I downloaded Brushes on the recommendation of several of  my art friends. This is my first attempt...after a pastel workshop I attended last Saturday I was influenced to try something similar digitally. I now feel with more practise it will have its uses as a new method for me to create sketches and certainly outside of the studio it will be very useful.

Friday 28 March 2014

Exciting news.....I am getting ready for my open studio event in May. I am opening for the whole weekend of Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th May,  10-5pm.
The event is part of the Open Studios Notts, so I am included in a beautiful colour brochure, which I will be distribution in the next few weeks. As well as myself there will be my friend and artist Angie Boorman, whose style is different from mine, so there will be a great range of work to see. And people can also visit my fellow Keyworth Art club artists, Susanne Maddox and Debbie Boote on the same weekend, so there is a Keyworth mini art trail!
I am really looking forward to demonstrating my painting and chatting to people about my work.
So lots of preparation to do so the weekend goes smoothly and we can all relax and enjoy ourselves....let's hope the weather is kind to us!

Friday 7 February 2014


I set my local art club a challenge for February, a sketch-a-day. I started out simply to create some observational drawings of whatever came to hand. But a lot more has come out of this project. Firstly,   It's a visual diary that becomes a collection of experiences and reminders.
Another aspect that has emerged is the ideas for further project and different ways of working. In this simple sketch of the kitchen equipment and ingredients I had out, after making ice cream, led me to thinking about using egg shell as a texture base for a more finished painting, as I have experimented using sand and other texture mediums, this is something I may well develop.
I have also added papers and colours I've found interesting, that I've come across this week.
I will post again with an update of how the sketchbook is progressing..... We all know we should keep a sketchbook... And it's great to rediscover how enjoyable it is.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


Roses and honeysuckle

I started this painting with intentions of entering it into the SAA competition. It was an exciting challenge to create a painting from the photograph supplied by Hazel Adlam (a fellow SAA painter), as I find roses particularly tricky to paint.
Even though it didn't make the competition I wanted to finish it, I very rarely fail to finish work and I have taken it to a point where I'm happy with it. 
It was a discipline that I felt worth perusing, as I often finish a painting in one sitting as my style is loose and I use wet-wet methods that require a quick response.
It was interesting to see the other artists work published but not be influenced by their efforts.  I guess as an artist you have to develop your own style and strive to keep things fresh and challenge yourself every time you paint. Whether it is with subject matter you wouldn't normally tackle or mediums that are new to you.
The next challenge is a picture of a cellist, which I hope to finish in time! I have had quite a bit of practise with figure drawing in the last few years so that's my next challenge....

Friday 10 January 2014


Welcome to my new Julie Fowkes Art Blog page.
I will be showing my art as it's created and informing you of any new events I will be participating in throughout the year.

This was the first Thursday back for 2014 at the studio of Nottingham Society of Artists. Loved the way the models top blended in with the material on the chair, led to a limited palette painting, of one of my favourite colours.